

Leader LAB

Our High Impact Leader LAB is a cohort-based program that combines leadership development with peer mentoring and applied learning focused on participants’ immediate priorities. Sessions are energizing - building confidence and skills through an experiential learning style where participants tackle their most relevant, top of mind challenges and opportunities through the lens of leadership. Material and content is always evolving given the context of the business world. Cohort participants feel a stronger connection to one another throughout and after the program, leading to increased trust and collaboration.

Ideal for:

Organizations who want to develop their leaders in a sustainable manner while building stronger connection across their leadership groups (either within functions or enterprise-wide). Content is customized to the client based on the strategy and direction of the organization.


Cohorts typically consist of up to 14 like-leveled participants who will experience approximately 32 hours of leadership learning and fieldwork to apply development into their work. Delivery method is customized to the client needs.



Elevate is a transformational leadership development program for organizations looking to accelerate change - in culture, strategy and leadership effectiveness. No program connects the participants in a more meaningful and lasting way than this. Learning is experiential and creates space for reflection around individual and collective performance, driving stronger business results. The learning makes for powerful, memorable shifts in a way that sticks.

Imagine a group of your high potential leaders, executives and change agents in a focused, experiential process designed to elevate their individual and collective impact. Working in a cohort model, these leaders will learn together in a way that will ripple throughout your organization. This isn’t a training program, it is a transformation process.

Through best-in-class assessments, custom-designed, relevant learning experiences, and on-going assignments and fieldwork, leaders take tangible steps for up-leveling their leadership.

Ideal for:

Driven, restless leaders who want to make clear advances in their leadership impact.


Described as a mini MBA in leadership, Elevate takes place over the course of 8-10 months. The program consists of a series of residential modules and virtual Leader LAB workshops and includes a comprehensive assessment of the leader’s current impact.



High Impact LIFT is a cohort-based program that inspires an empowering sense of agency and confidence in women while building a strong peer community among participants.

Ideal for:

Women leaders at any level of the organization who want to elevate their impact and build a strong network of trusted peers.


Cohort-based, four 2 hour workshops designed to challenge women to own their strengths and bench their inner critic.

The LIFT program provides a safe place for connection and vulnerability and is facilitated in a way that really gets to the core of who someone is. I have seen a sizable increase in confidence of women leaders at Metrie. They are carrying themselves differently, speaking up in ways they never have before and therefore adding value to our organization by simply being their best selves. One of my managers, who for years has aspired to stay in her same role, went through LIFT and recently applied for a Director level role. This display of confidence and bravery was different from ways I have seen her display it in years past, and a breath of fresh air. It is acts like this that will change the trajectory of women at Metrie – confidently and bravely tackling their aspirations.

- Lissa Cozzi | Manager, Leadership Development, Metrie

Lissa Cozzi, Manager, Leadership Development, Metrie